Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Download

(1 customer review)



Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Download

Help To Start Feeling and Being More Calm, Confident and in Control

Do you struggle to switch off from all your anxious thoughts about what might happen, rather than just being in the here and now?

Are you exhausted from trying to battle with all those feelings and emotions of dread, worry and anxiety?

Has your anxiety taken such control over your thoughts, feelings and actions that you struggle to find some sense of relief?

Using this anxiety relief hypnosis download will help you to:

  • Start feeling more mentally calm and physically relaxed so that you can think clearly
  • Feel more relaxed in yourself and trust that you can deal, handle and cope with whatever comes your way
  • Experience a growing sense of calmness in your thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions
  • Learn how to take back control over your thoughts and feelings rather than being controlled by anxiety
  • Feel stronger and happier in yourself and in your life


From Anxiety and Fear to Calmness and Control

Anxiety has a way of expanding into your thoughts and feelings. The more anxious you feel, the more you may find every thought is filled with dread and worry. Many a time you may even know that you don’t really need to worry, that there is no major concern, yet your mind still races, your heart pounds and you feel tense.

You will already know that anxiety is mentally and physically exhausting and it can soon feel overwhelming.

When I’m with my clients to help them to overcome their anxiety, they will often tell me that it’s like they are constantly finding things to be anxious about. Sometimes, they may not even know what it is they are anxious about yet still they get those dreaded feelings.

Your mind fills with worst case scenarios and thoughts of what might happen. You may feel weighed down with anxiety and like you can’t focus, concentrate or think straight. You can feel hot, stressed, on edge, nauseous and scared. You worry about how you will cope. You worry about not coping at all. It’s like your mind is on constant look out for disaster and sometimes it probably feels like it would be easier to just hide yourself away than to go on experiencing the anxiety.

I remember the years when I struggled with anxiety. There was the constant dread that used to invade all of my thoughts and feelings. I would fear going places, speaking to people and doing things in a way I sensed other people did not. And the more anxiety I endured, the more I would dwell and mentally beat myself up for my perceived failings…before repeating that whole cycle of anxious thoughts and feelings all over again.

Yet as I discovered, overwhelming anxiety doesn’t have to be a permanent way of life.

You Can Overcome Your Anxiety

With my own anxiety, I thought there was something wrong with me, like I had some sort of in-built flaw that was doomed to burden me for life. Of course I now know that isn’t true. I had some unhelpful, habitual patterns that kept the anxiety flowing on and on.

And, of course, the more you worry then the more you find yourself worrying. It really is an ongoing cycle of dread and fear. But, of course, it’s also true that the more you learn to feel mentally calm and relaxed, the more you find yourself feeling calm, confident and in control of your thoughts and feelings. And that can become more and more habitual and automatic too.

Once I discovered how hypnosis could change my thoughts, feelings and mindset, things became much more positive for me. And it’s the same thing I’ve discovered with hundreds of my anxiety clients. Now they are more calm in their thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. Now they can view things as they are rather than distorted through the lens of dread, fear and anxiety.

When you feel calmer, you will start thinking more clearly, being able to be in the present moment more easily and you will find yourself feeling stronger and more resourceful when you think ahead into the future.

The Effectiveness of Hypnosis As A Treatment For Anxiety

Research (The Efficacy of Hypnosis As A Treatment For Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis, 2019) has investigated the effectiveness of hypnosis in treating anxiety.

Looking at the overall effectiveness of hypnosis as a treatment for anxiety, the study found that hypnosis is a highly effective intervention for anxiety.

From the evidence they concluded that:

The findings of this meta-analysis show that hypnosis is a highly effective intervention for anxiety. Our results indicate the average participant treated with hypnosis achieved more anxiety reduction than about 79% of control participants at the end of active treatment and about 84% of controls at the longest follow-up“.

That is pretty awesome and shows just how valuable hypnosis can be as a treatment for anxiety.

The evidence also showed that hypnosis for anxiety was as effective as a treatment as cognitive behavioural therapy, progressive muscle relaxation and psychodynamic psychotherapy and suggest hypnosis is more effective than mindfulness.

And as the evidence demonstrates, hypnosis is a highly effective intervention for anxiety and could certainly be of benefit to you if you are struggling with anxiety.

Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Download

By using this anxiety relief hypnosis download, you too, can benefit from becoming more and more calm, confident in control. That means you will feel better in yourself so you can enjoy life more and enjoy feeling more calm and relaxed in all that you do.

**Anxiety relief and confidence growth often go hand in hand. The calmer you feel the more in control and confident you will feel. And the more confident you feel, the more mentally calm and physically relaxed you can experience being. So you may also want to take a look at my Anxiety No More Toolkit which includes this audio along with more fantastic resources to help you to start feeling and being calmer and more confident so that you can feel stronger and happier**

And just to recap, using this anxiety relief hypnosis download will help you to:

  • Start feeling more mentally calm and physically relaxed so that you can think clearly
  • Feel more relaxed in yourself and trust that you can deal, handle an cope with whatever comes your way
  • Experience a growing sense of calmness in your thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions
  • Learn how to take back control over your thoughts and feelings rather than being controlled by anxiety
  • Feel stronger and happier in yourself and in your life

Are you ready to find freedom from unwanted anxious thoughts and unnecessary anxious feelings?

This anxiety relief hypnosis download can help you to quickly ease your anxiety and develop a robust sense of calmness and confidence.

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this powerful self-confidence enhancing hypnosis download. If you do really want to develop a robust and powerful sense of calmness and confidence then do get your copy of this Anxiety Relief hypnosis download right now. It really is a positive and beneficial step forward in feeling better and enjoying your life.

Reference: Valentine, K.E., Milling, L.S., Clark, L.J. and Moriarty, C.L., 2019. The Efficacy of Hypnosis as a Treatment for Anxiety: A Meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 67(3), pp.336-363. Related article: The Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy as a Treatment For Anxiety

1 review for Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Download

  1. Laura M. (verified owner)

    This is a great audio to help challenge those negative and unwanted thoughts you may be having. I’ve only used it the once so far, but I noticed a huge shift in my outlook afterwards!

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