Reduce Distress From Past Events




Reduce Distress From Past Events Hypnosis Download

Do you want to reduce the amount distress you suffer because of a negative past event?

Would you benefit from building your sense of personal strength, self-confidence and resilience?

How good would it be to really believe in yourself and in your own capabilities more?

Using this Reduce Distress From Past Events hypnosis download can help you to

  •  Reduce distress related to a past negative memory
  •  Build your sense of personal strength, self-confidence and resilience
  •  Feel better able to cope with, and to overcome, difficult and challenging situations
  •  Believe in yourself and in you own capability more

This hypnosis download will help you to reduce your distress from a negative emotional memory, and to build your sense of personal strength, self-confidence and capability to influence your own life, to handle challenges and to achieve your goals.


Reappraising Negative Emotional Memories

Life can throw all sorts of challenges and problems our way. Sometimes it can feel like we are hurtling from one problem to another, and at other times, just as it seems everything is settled, something else crops up to occupy us. Perhaps the only certainty (apart from death and taxes!) is that we will face problems and challenges as we navigate our way thrrough life.

To help us face life’s challenges we can develop our confidence and self-esteem, our resilience, positivity, optimism and ability to be in control over our thoughts and feelings. We can get better at problem solving, at letting go of things we can’t control and at how quickly and effectively we recover and move on from stressful events we encounter.

Often we move on from these challenges over time and the emotions attached to them wither and deplete. Time can lessen the initial emotional impact, we make sense of what happened, we find solutions and plenty of other things come along to occupy our attention. And there are plenty of therapeutic strategies and techniques that can help to lessen emotions on past events and to help you feel better when you think back, and as you progress forwards.

We have all encountered negative emotional events in our lives, whether it’s death of a loved one, illness, an argument, a perceived failure of some kind of something else. Our memories are our perceptions of past events and how we think about things can change over time and based on how we feel right now. If you feel bad or low then that will colour how you think back upon events in your life and those feelings can lead to more negative thoughts, feelings and memories (that match that feeling coming to mind.

And when you feel better in yourself, those past things may not carry the same weight and you may find it easier to think back upon earlier negative things (and easier to recall more positive things too).

Rather than remain distressed about a past event, this hypnosis download provides you with a way to reflect on your own capabilities, to boost your self-efficacy and resilience, and to reduce distress related to a negative emotional memory.


Boosting Resilience and Reducing Distress

Research has investigated how people can strengthen their psychological resilience when facing adversity through recalling memories of self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy is your belief in your own ability to influence the events that affect your life, and as such as a significant role to play in your mental health and well-being. By believing in your own capabilities, you will feel more able to overcome challenges and problems. It also likely means that you will have stronger problem solving abilities, a higher level of persistence and an increased ability to regulate your emotions.

If you don’t believe in your ability to handle difficult circumstances then you may experience anxiety and seek to avoid those perceived threatening things (potentially missing the opportunity to reappraise those things as  non-threatening when nothing untoward happens).

Paersch et al (2021) had participants select a personal negative memory that was still mildly to moderately distressing (but not traumatic), that is, from 25-75 on a scale from 0 (not at all distressing) to 100 (severely distressing memory). The content of the memory was very individual, with the most frequent content of the negative memory containing arguments with significant others, or the death or serious illness of a loved one.

Participants were then asked to recall three specific autobiographical events. One group were asked to think of specific events demonstrating “strength and self-efficacy where they managed a situation successfully despite potential barriers” (self-efficacy condition) This included things in a sporting or academic exam context, or successfully dealing with difficult emotional situations. Another group were asked to think of “specific events where they felt particularly positive” such as happy encounters with friends or holidays (positive condition). the original negative event was then recalled again about eight days later to measure distress levels.

They found that the self efficacy condition was associated with significant reductions in distress, as compared to the positive memory group. That is, recalling self-efficacy episodes can help with reappraising negative memories and so help with recovery from stressful events. By drawing upon examples of your own self-efficacy, you can reassess a negative emotional memory and experience less distress from it.

This could be down to this helping your ability to contextualise negative events, increased emotional regulation capability or the generation of problem solving content that was applied to the the negative memory to reduce distress. However, I think from our point of view, the most important aspect is not the underlying mechanism but rather the key finding that recalling times of personal strength and self-efficacy can help you to reduce your levels of distress related to other, more negative, memories.

Recalling self-efficacious events may also help strengthen your resilience  by increasing your own belief in your ability to handle future problems and challenges.


Reduce Distress From Past Events

This hypnosis download can help you to reduce distress from a negative emotional memory, and to strengthen your own personal resilience (this hypnosis download can help with mild to moderate distress from a past event and is not suitable for traumatic events).

By drawing upon times when you have demonstrated personal strength and self-efficacy, you can build your sense of capability, and confidence and reduce unwanted distress from a past event.

By listening to this Reduce Distress From Past Events Hypnosis Download Audio you will:

  •  Reduce distress related to a past negative memory
  •  Build your sense of personal strength, self-confidence and resilience
  •  Feel better able to cope with, and to overcome, difficult and challenging situations
  •  Believe in yourself and in you own capability more

You can get your copy of Reduce Distress From Past Events Hypnosis today and enjoy instant access to this awesome hypnosis download.

More Anxiety Help Hypnosis Downloads


Related Articles: Reappraising Negative Emotional Memories: How To Reduce Distress From Past Events

Reference: Paersch, C., Schulz, A., Wilhelm, F.H., Brown, A.D. and Kleim, B., 2021. Recalling autobiographical self-efficacy episodes boosts reappraisal-effects on negative emotional memories. Emotion.


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