Disputing Irrational Anxious Thoughts




Disputing Irrational Anxious Thoughts Hypnosis Download


Successfully learn to interrupt negative and irrational anxious thoughts 

Do you want to end the habitual cycle of your anxious thoughts with all the endless overthinking and catastrophising?

Are you tired of feeling like you have no control over your anxious and negative thoughts and feelings?

How good would it be to be able to interrupt anxious thoughts so you can think more clearly, rationally and calmly?

Using this Disputing Irrational Anxious Thoughts hypnosis download can help you to

  •  Successfully interrupt negative and irrational anxious thoughts inside your head
  •  Learn to calmly evaluate and reason through your thoughts so that you can habitually undermine anxiety  
  •  Lessen anxious and troublesome feelings, as well as reducing negative overthinking and catastrophising
  •  Develop your ability to think clearly, logically and rationally
  •  Take back control over your thinking so that you feel better in yourself

Whatever unwanted direction your anxiety takes your thoughts and imagination, it is possible to develop the ability to habitually reign it back in. Rather than letting worry and anxiety take your thoughts far away from the present and how things are now, you can start to dispute and challenge those negative thoughts to undermine them.

This hypnosis download will help you to interrupt the irrational and negative thinking that goes on inside your head.  Rather than letting an initial anxious or troubling thought spiral and magnify inside your imagination, and all the while ramping up any anxious feelings, you will start to adopt a mindset where you can critically evaluate and calmly reason through the things inside your own mind.

A lot of the time the things we think are just from anxiety driving our imagination and leading us to ‘make up’ and imagine the worst. So instead of feeling controlled by irrational anxious thoughts, you will start to be able hold up that thought and appraise it and challenge it, and then, having recognised it is irrational, orchestrate your thoughts and send them in a much more positive and beneficial direction.


Disputing Your Irrational Anxious Thoughts

There can be few greater simple pleasures than spending half an hour or so reading at night before going to sleep. Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve loved reading detective stories, with anything containing Sherlock Holmes always being a favourite. Agatha Christie’s Poirot is another favourite, and I love anything in the British Library Crime Classics collection.

In these stories there’s no need for excessive violence, there are no computers or mobile phones or DNA to call upon, and it’s all based upon deduction and reasoning to bring the plot to a successful conclusion. Poirot calls upon his ‘little grey cells’ to evaluate, analyse and solve cases, and there’s perhaps no detective more famous that Sherlock Holmes for rational thinking and calling upon the facts (although he never actually says ‘Elementary, my dear Watson’ in any of the Conan Doyle stories).

And so I was delighted and excited recently when I found out that my daughter’s English class were studying Victorian Crime and Detective Stories, and particularly Sherlock Holmes’ stories. I’d have loved that at her age, and even now I would happily go and sit at the back of the class so I could listen in!

So why am I talking about these great-thinking detectives here today? It’s because very often, inside our own minds, our thinking gets distorted, generalised, embellished, catastrophised and we suffer from all sorts of thinking errors and biases. We can jump to conclusions, give meaning to things, make assumptions about what other people are thinking, make erroneous predictions, catastrophise and imagine and create all sorts of worst-case scenarios. Emotions like anxiety can lead to these kinds of negative and irrational thoughts, and the thoughts (which may or may not be accurate) can create emotions like anxiety.

If you struggle with anxiety then you will be familiar with the overthinking, worst-case scenarios and ‘what if’ thoughts. Your anxiety can latch onto a train of thought and before you know it, it has been amplified and magnified inside your head and your anxious feelings increase.  An initial thought can move down that rabbit hole of thinking that moves further and further away from the current situation, and where things get worse and worse in your mind.

So there is certainly benefit in bringing thoughts back to the present, and to the facts, rather than letting emotions like anxiety, stress, fear and worry take over. To take control over our thinking and feel better in ourselves, perhaps we all need to think a bit more like Sherlock in these moments when he said, “whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things” (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign Of Four).


Irrational Anxious Thoughts

When you feel anxious, worried or fearful, that emotion drives your imagination and your thinking.  Rather than ‘true cold reason’ and logical thinking, your emotions drive your thinking into all sorts of unwanted and unpleasant directions. Your mind scans for potential, precieved threat and danger, and you experience all the unpleasant physical feelings of anxiety and worry.  You may know that a lot of your thoughts are irrational and aren’t logical, but those unhelpful thinking patterns take over.

What’s more, these sorts of unhelpful thinking patterns can impact upon many areas of your life. You may find yourself thinking in all or nothing terms (black and white thinking), catastrophising, missing other perspectives, inflating small things into bigger things, discounting positives or contract evidence, blaming yourself or others, mind reading of trying to predict the future. And all of these can move you away from facts and an accurate account of the current reality, and into areas of anxiety, worry and annoyance.

Anxiety, anger, worry about what other people think, low self esteem and many other issues involves thinking distortions and errors that can become a habit of how you think about yourself and other people, or about certain situations and circumstances.

All too often we fill in gaps, give meaning and create things in our minds based upon limited information, uncertainty or emotion. You then treat your thoughts as if they were facts and an accurate account of things (which they may or may not be) and experience feelings and emotions to go with it that drive how you behave.

As Sherlock observed, “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts” (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A Scandal In Bohemia).

Anxiety and worry take one initial (often imagined or made up) thought, which may be about something that is possible but not necessarily probable, and then takes your thoughts further and further away from the here and now, and deeper into more and more remote possibilities (which may nevertheless seem very real inside your mind). Anxiety twists everything towards the worst case, overlooking how many things would have to happen for that to occur, forgetting all the times that similar anxious thoughts have led to nothing, and ignoring your ability to take action and to proactively deal with whatever comes your way.


Taking Control Over Your Thinking 

Whatever unwanted direction your anxiety takes your thoughts and imagination, it is possible to develop the ability to habitually reign it back in. Rather than letting worry and anxiety take your thoughts far away from the present and how things are now, you can start to dispute and challenge those negative thoughts to undermine them.

This hypnosis download will help you to interrupt the irrational and negative thinking that goes on inside your head.  Rather than letting an initial anxious or troubling thought spiral and magnify inside your imagination, and all the while ramping up any anxious feelings, you will start to adopt a mindset where you can critically evaluate and calmly reason through the things inside your own mind.

A lot of the time the things we think are just from anxiety driving our imagination and leading us to ‘make up’ and imagine the worst. So instead of feeling controlled by irrational anxious thoughts, you will start to be able hold up that thought and appraise it and challenge it, and then, having recognised it is irrational, orchestrate your thoughts and send them in a much more positive and beneficial direction.

By listening to this Disputing Irrational Anxious Thoughts Hypnosis Download Audio you will:

  •  Successfully interrupt negative and irrational anxious thoughts inside your head
  •  Learn to calmly evaluate and reason through your thoughts so that you can habitually undermine anxiety  
  •  Lessen anxious and troublesome feelings, as well as reducing negative overthinking and catastrophising
  •  Develop your ability to think clearly, logically and rationally
  •  Take back control over your thinking so that you feel better in yourself

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this awesome Disputing Irrational Anxious Thoughts hypnosis download. If you do really want to enjoy a deep sense of mental and physical relaxation then give this Positive Imagery Relaxation Hypnosis Download a listen right now.

Related Article: Disputing Your Irrational Anxious Thoughts

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