Hypnotic Hero Of Confidence Hypnosis




Hypnotic Hero Of Confidence Hypnosis Download


Use This Hypnosis To Increase Your Confidence!

Do you want to learn how to think, feel and be more confident?

Would you benefit from having more self-belief and feeling more capable?

How good would it be to be more confident in yourself in the situations you face?

Using this Hypnotic Hero of Confidence hypnosis download can help you to

  •  Learn to be more confident from someone you admire for their confidence  
  •  Successfully develop your mindset, attitude, thoughts and feelings
  •  Boost your levels of confidence, self-esteem and self-belief
  •  Benefit from feeling more confident in what you do and how you do it

This hypnosis download will help you to to increase your confidence and self-belief by building upon aspects of observational learning, mental imagery, hypnosis and the use of a confident hero or role model.


Increase Your Confidence

From very early on and throughout our lives we are constantly learning from others around. We observe what others do in their interactions, with certain behaviours, skills, phrases, responses and we often absorb and integrate things we have seen and learnt into what we do and how we do it.

Recently, I’ve been learning to play the guitar. The most effective way to learn a new skill like this is through watching someone else play and then practising and learning that for yourself. If you are like me then it can take some practice and guidance, breaking things down into small chunks, and then more practice (and then even more!). Through watching online tutorials and lessons on the internet, and with the guidance and support of my guitar tutor, my playing has progressed massively since I started last year.

And it’s the same on other areas of life. When I joined bootcamp I had to watch what others did so I could learn and replicate it. In running, you watch and talk to other runners, you learn from their approach and attitude and you then seek to take elements of this and incorporate them into what you do.

Watching and learning from others involves a process of attention, retention, production, and motivation. Firstly, you pay careful attention to the person being observed. You then commit the observed act to memory through techniques and go about putting it into practice. To benefit, you need to be motivated to attend to, remember, and practice the observed behaviour in order to perform the skill accurately (Bandura, 1977).

Whether it’s a skill, behaviours, attitude or mindset, we can learn from observing others and seeking to replicate positive elements in a way that fits with who we are. If you want to be good at something, then it makes sense to find someone is already good and observe and pay attention to what they do and how they do it (through observation, talking to them, reading about them and so forth).

One aspect of life that we can all improve upon in some areas is our confidence and self-belief. Some people worry that if they become more confident then they will become arrogant, but these are not the same things. Being confident involves thinking in particular ways, having certain beliefs, patterns, habits, thoughts and feelings. Sometimes you can get stuck in own limitations of what you think is possible for you and think you can’t do something or that you are not good enough or not confident at that thing.

As I’ve mentioned we can learn from observing and paying attention to what confident people do and then ‘trying it on’ for ourselves, in a way that fits with our own values and desires. This hypnosis download can help you to use the concept of your  ‘hypnotic hero’ or ‘role model’ to help you become more confident in certain aspects of your life.


The Hypnotic Hero

The hypnotic hero is a technique that involves using your imagination to draw upon the qualities of someone you admire or respect, or who possesses the kind of qualities and attributes that you admire. Inside your mind, you can take these positive things and start to apply them and internalise them for your own benefit. You get to engage your imagination, belief, modelling, motivation, learning and expectation to gain positive results

Tilton (1984) discusses the hypnotic hero technique and it’s application for hypnosis with children, however, it can work nicely and successfully at any age. And whilst it can be applied to many things, it works well to help you increase your confidence and self-belief.

Using the technique for hypnosis with children, Tilton describes how the child is asked about their favourite heroes (e.g. from television, sport of books) and then a hero is chosen who can best help with the chld’s problem. Within hypnosis, the child images being present with their hero and suggestions are made to the child as if they are coming from their hero.

In many ways it’s a kind of vicarious learning and modelling experience that can then be used within a form of mental rehearsal to practice and apply new skills and learning.

And in many ways it replicates a form of natural role-play, learning and experimentation that we all engage in from time to time. For example, in past marathon training when out on my long runs I’ve often imagined being an athlete with grit and determination to keep going and never give up (like the triathlete Brownlee brothers, for example). And who hasn’t played their imaginary air guitar whilst listening to a good song and pretending to be on stage in front of thousands of adoring fans?! (please tell me that’s not just me!).

We often learn from watching others that we admire, maybe a friend or a work colleague, and then trying something similar out for ourselves. It’s quite common for someone who wants to get better at public speaking to watch people they think are good speakers as a form of learning about what those people do and how they do it, so that it can be internalised and adapted to improve presentation.

And it’s perhaps not too dissimilar to when actors take on a role and immerse themselves into it to such a great extent that they ‘become; that character in their thoughts, emotions and behaviours.

If you want to increase your confidence then who better to learn from and model that someone you already admire for your confidence.


Hypnotic Hero Of Confidence Hypnosis

This hypnosis download will help you to to increase your confidence and self-belief by building upon aspects of observational learning research, hypnosis, mental imagery and the use of a hero or role model.

You will draw upon the mindset, attributes and qualities of that confident person and apply them and integrate them to benefit you what you do.

By listening to this Hypnotic Hero of Confidence Hypnosis Download Audio you will:

  •  Learn to be more confident from someone you admire for their confidence  
  •  Successfully develop your mindset, attitude, thoughts and feelings
  •  Boost your levels of confidence, self-esteem and self-belief
  •  Benefit from feeling more confident in what you do and how you do it

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this awesome hypnosis download. If you do really want to increase your confidence and self-belief then do get your copy of this Hypnotic Hero of Confidence hypnosis download right now.

More Confidence Hypnosis Downloads



Bandura, A., 1977. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological review84(2), p.191.

Tilton, P., 1984. The hypnotic hero: A technique for hypnosis with children. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis32(4), pp.366-375.


Related Article: Confidence: Using Your Hypnotic Hero To Increase Your Confidence


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