Clear Out Mental Trash

(1 customer review)



Clear Out Mental Trash Hypnosis Download


Clear Your Mind Of Unwanted Thoughts and Take Back Control

Do you want to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts that go around your mind, leading to anxiety, stress and worry?

Would you benefit from learning how to take back control over the kind of thinking that goes on inside your mind?

How good would it be to have a mind that was more positive, more clear and more free?

Using this Clear Out Mental Trash hypnosis download can help you to

  •  Learn to manage your thoughts and clear out unwanted thinking
  •  Reduce your anxiety, stress, overthinking and worry
  •  Take out the mental trash that influences how you feel
  •  Develop your ability to be in control over your thinking and thought processes
  •  Feel more positive and uplifted with your mind more free and more clear

This hypnosis download will help you to clear out all of the unwanted thoughts and feelings that go around your mind and that can contribute to anxiety, stress and worry. With so many things that can dominate your mind, it’s time to clear out the trash and clutter inside your own head and take back control over your thinking.

Clear Out The Mental Trash To Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Worry

With so much information coming our way each day, and so many sources of information, opinion, commentary and fact that we encounter, it’s no wonder that sometimes  it just seems too much. We can feel literally bombarded with negativity, argument, speculation, opinion and more. Sometimes we deliberately think and talk about some of these things, yet other times  things just seem to get inside our heads and go around and around, often gathering momentum as they do so.

So many people that I work with for overthinking, anxiety, stress and worry describe how their mind seems full, how it never seems able to switch off and how they find their heads filled with all sorts of thoughts. and on top of this, when there is emotion attached (as with anxiety, stress and worry), it can really exacerbate things.

It could be someone else’s opinion that gets into your head and leaves you doubting yourself and questioning things. It could be some world event that you find yourself thinking about. And you may well find your mind is full of things outside of your control, things form the past, imaginings about the future, little things that seem like big things, small things you even know you don’t need to be thinking about. And there can be a whole range of other negative, limiting, depressing, anxious thoughts that dominate and occupy your thinking.

All these things can get inside your mind and become part of your thinking processes and can influence how you feel in unwanted ways. That means we all need effective ways to ‘de-clutter’ our minds, to interrupt unhelpful thought patterns and to take out the mental trash that contributes to your anxiety, stress and worry.

Your Thinking, Emotions and Mental Health

One of the ways in which our brains close things off and clear our thinking is through sleep. Whilst many aspects of our sleep are yet to understood, we do know that a lack of sleep can have impacts upon your learning, memory, ability to concentrate and your physical health and well-being.

Anxiety, worry and stress can disrupt your sleep meaning you find it hard to get to sleep or you may wake in the night and find your mind won’t stop going over things. The next days’ tiredness can then mean you feel bad and struggle even more to stop that unwanted thinking. And with some mental health conditions, like anxiety and depression, if you do get to sleep you may dream more and wake up feeling tired the next day despite having slept.

The ‘expectation fulfilment theory’ of the purpose of sleep suggests that our dreams are where we close of any unresolved emotions from the day. That is, if while we are awake we generate an emotion, however slightly, that isn’t acted upon in some way, then at night our brain metaphorically closes off that emotion (so that it is ‘dealt with’ and we start afresh the next day).

Thus, if you experience anxiety and worry about something that you cannot or do not act upon in some way during the daytime, your brain will need to metaphorically complete that process by de-arousing your automatic nervous system.

And with anxiety, the research suggests that you are more likely to have negative dreams and nightmares (Sikka, 2018)

As I’ve written about previously, sleep is regarded as one of the three main pillars of good mental health, along with physical exercise and your diet. In fact, research suggests that whilst you shouldn’t disregard your exercise and eating habits, sleep quality may be the most beneficial at improving your mental health and well-being (Wickham, 2020).

What’s more, research (van Alphen, 2021) suggests that deep sleep has a role in waste clearance. There is evidence of a discrete deep sleep stage that is linked to a specific function and which suggests that waste clearance is a core and ancient function of deep sleep.

All of the research then points to the need to prioritise sleep and to do all you can to get good quality sleep to support your mental health. Good sleep, of course, is not just about what you do at night and your bedtime routines, it’s also about what you do in the daytime too. By reducing anxiety, stress and worry in the daytime, you should find you sleep better and that the quality of your sleep is better too.


Taking Out The Mental Trash

Clearing out all of the unwanted thoughts and feelings that go around your mind can help in reducing anxiety, stress and worry. You can reduce overthinking and make it more likely that you will have better sleep. With so many things that can dominate your mind, it’s time to clear out the trash and clutter inside your own head and take back control over your thinking.

This hypnosis download will help you to clear out any unwanted thoughts that creep into your mind so that they don’t get ‘stuck’ in your head. With so much information coming our way each and every moment, you want to stay in control over what you absorb from things that come your way and to reduce your anxiety, stress and worry.

By listening to this Clear Out Mental Trash Hypnosis Download Audio you will:

  •  Learn to manage your thoughts and clear out unwanted thinking
  •  Reduce your anxiety, stress, overthinking and worry
  •  Take out the mental trash that influences how you feel
  •  Develop your ability to be in control over your thinking and thought processes
  •  Feel more positive and uplifted with your mind more free and more clear

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this awesome hypnosis download. If you do really want to improve your take control over your thinking then do get your copy of this Clear Out Mental Trash hypnosis download right now.

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Sikka, P., Pesonen, H. and Revonsuo, A., 2018. Peace of mind and anxiety in the waking state are related to the affective content of dreams. Scientific reports8(1), pp.1-13.

van Alphen, B., Semenza, E.R., Yap, M., van Swinderen, B. and Allada, R., 2021. A deep sleep stage in Drosophila with a functional role in waste clearance. Science advances7(4), p.eabc2999.

Wickham, S.R., Amarasekara, N., Bartonicek, A. and Conner, T., 2020. The Big Three Health Behaviors and Mental Health and Well-being among Young Adults: A Cross-sectional Investigation of Sleep, Exercise, and Diet. Frontiers in Psychology11, p.3339.


Related Article:

Clearing Out The Mental Trash To Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Worry

1 review for Clear Out Mental Trash

  1. Fiona Lowe (verified owner)

    Brilliant for the when I need to quiet the mind. I feel a mental weight lifted helps me to release what is not important or necessary.

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