Your Best Possible Self

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Your Best Possible Self Hypnosis Download


Boost your optimism, well-being and positivity

Would you benefit from feeling more optimistic about the future and our ability to achieve your goals?

Do you want to lessen negative feelings and enjoy a more positive mindset and feelings ?

How good will it be to increase your well-being, sense of optimism and your positivity?

Using this Best Possible Self hypnosis download can help you to

  •  Increase your sense of well-being and positivity
  •  Feel more optimistic about the future and achieving your goals
  •  Take action on your goals and build positive momentum towards them
  •  Lessen negative feelings and instead enjoy more positive ones
  •  Build upon this evidence backed way to support your mental health and well-being

This hypnosis download is based upon a wealth of evidence and research from the field of positive psychology. Using this hypnosis download will help you to feel more optimistic, boost your well-being and add to feeling more positive, It can also help you to reduce negative or low feelings

The Best Possible Self technique involves thinking about your best possible self in a future where you have achieved everything desired, after working hard towards it. As I’ll cover here, there is a mass of evidence to support it’s effectiveness,


Boosting Your Well-Being, Positive Mood and Optimism

The Best Possible Self (BPS) exercise from the field of positive psychology involves writing about your best possible self in the future after everything has gone as well as it possibly could.

There is a wealth of evidence that supports this technique for boosting your well-being, sense of optimism and your positivity.

King (2001) first developed the technique and had participants write descriptions of their best possible future selves for twenty minutes on four consecutive days. Doing this was found to be associated with a significant immediate increase in positive mood, and an increase in subjective well-being.

And Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2006) had participants perform the Best Possible Self intervention for four weeks and found it to be beneficial for raising and maintaining positive mood.

The Best Possible Self exercise can also boost your optimism, that is, your belief that you will generally experience good outcomes in life. Optimism is linked to positive mood, self-esteem well-being and resilience (Peters, 2010). Imagining a positive future enhances your optimism.

These benefits to optimism and well-being have been added to by further evidence which found that daily imagery of your Best Possible Self for two weeks can lead to sustained increases in optimism Meevissen, Peters  and Alberts. 2011).

Evidence shows that higher optimism can have beneficial physical and mental health benefits, such as increasing positive mood and decreasing negative feelings, depression, and pain.


Effectiveness of the Best Possible Self Intervention

A number of reviews of the evidence for the Best Possible Self intervention have been carried out to review it’s effectiveness.

Studies have found that positive psychology interventions, including the this one, can be effective in the enhancement of subjective well-being and psychological well-being, as well as in helping to reduce depressive symptoms (Bolier et al, 2013).

Whereas that study looked at the results across a wide range of positive psychology interventions, reviews have also been carried out of the evidence supporting the Best Possible Self exercise.

Loveday, Lovell and Jones (2018) describe how since its inception in 2001, the best possible selves activity has been the focus of more than 30 studies which have shown it to be a viable intervention for increasing optimism, positive affect, health and well-being. And a meta-analysis of 28 studies showed that Best Possible Self is an efficacious intervention to improve well-being, optimism and positive mood, and to decrease negative feelings and depressive symptoms (Carrillo,2018).

Furthermore, a review has been carried out upon all of the studies of the Best Possible Self intervention to examine it’s over effectiveness in increasing well-being. This involved 29 studies involving nearly three thousand participants. They found that the intervention is effective in improving well-being, optimism and positive affect (Carrillo et al, 2019).

As this evidence demonstrates, the Best Possible Self exercise is an effective intervention to improve positive affect, well-being, and optimism.


Your Best Possible Self

As I’ve covered above, there’s a mass of evidence supporting this approach. It can help you to boost your optimism, increase your sense of well-being and help you enjoy feeling more positive.

This hypnosis download is based upon this evidence backed technique. It will help you to develop your sense of well-being, optimism and positive mindset. You will increase your positive emotions and lessen more negative ones.

By listening to this Best Possible Self Hypnosis Download Audio you will:

  •  Increase your sense of well-being and positivity
  •  Feel more optimistic about the future and achieving your goals
  •  Take action on your goals and build positive momentum towards them
  •  Lessen negative feelings and instead enjoy more positive ones
  •  Build upon this evidence backed way to support your mental health and well-being

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this powerful hypnosis download. If you do really want to boost your optimism, positivity and well-being then do get your copy of this Best Possible Self hypnosis download right now. It really is a positive and beneficial step forward in enjoying being you.



Bolier, L., Haverman, M., Westerhof, G.J., Riper, H., Smit, F. and Bohlmeijer, E., 2013. Positive psychology interventions: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. BMC public health13(1), pp.1-20.

Carrillo, A., Rubio-Aparicio, M., Molinari, G., Enrique, Á., Sánchez-Meca, J. and Baños, R.M., 2019. Effects of the Best Possible Self intervention: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one14(9), p.e0222386.

Carrillo Vega, A., 2018. “My Best Self”: Efficacy and underlying mechanisms of a Positive Psychology Intervention.

King, L.A., 2001. The health benefits of writing about life goals. Personality and social psychology bulletin27(7), pp.798-807.

Loveday, P.M., Lovell, G.P. and Jones, C.M., 2018. The best possible selves intervention: A review of the literature to evaluate efficacy and guide future research. Journal of Happiness Studies19(2), pp.607-628.

Meevissen, Y.M., Peters, M.L. and Alberts, H.J., 2011. Become more optimistic by imagining a best possible self: Effects of a two week intervention. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry42(3), pp.371-378.

Peters, M.L., Flink, I.K., Boersma, K. and Linton, S.J., 2010. Manipulating optimism: Can imagining a best possible self be used to increase positive future expectancies?. The Journal of Positive Psychology5(3), pp.204-211.

Sheldon, K.M. and Lyubomirsky, S., 2006. How to increase and sustain positive emotion: The effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves. The journal of positive psychology, 1(2), pp.73-82.

Related Article: Your Best Possible Self: Improve Well-being, Optimism and Positivity

More Confidence Hypnosis Downloads

1 review for Your Best Possible Self

  1. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I particularly like this record because it is more time efficient than most of the other records of the same purpose. Most records are over over 40 mins, which I do not have time to daily regularly use.

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