Tame Your Inner Critic Hypnosis




Tame Your Inner Critic Hypnosis Download

Do you have a habit of putting yourself down and criticising yourself all the time?

Does it feel like you can never be encouraging, balanced and supportive to yourself?

Are you fed up of constantly making yourself feel bad inside your own head?

This Tame Your Inner Critic Hypnosis Download will help you to:

  • Stop berating yourself, criticising yourself and putting yourself down
  • End the cycle of thoughts that cause negativity and low mood and that limit you and hold you back
  • Become more encouraging, balanced and supportive towards yourself
  • Start being kinder and more balanced to yourself
  • Feel better and better as you take control over your own self-talk

Your inner critic is that voice in your head and in your self-talk where you habitually put yourself down, criticise yourself and exacerbate your perceived failings. It leads to feeling low, bad and lacking confidence in yourself. If that inner critical thinking has been there for a long time, you may not even notice you are doing it. You get lost in a cycle of negativity, doubt and rumination over what you do, how you do it and who you consider yourself to be.

Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. You can start to become more encouraging, supportive and kind to yourself. This will mean feeling better and more motivated to take action on your goals and to trust in your ability to successfully handle any challenges. You can accept yourself and recognise that no-one is perfect and that there is always potential for learning and growth.

Instead of that critical inner voice that at some point you learnt and that became part of you, you can shift your mindset to one where you can feel good being you and more thoroughly enjoy your experience of life.


Tame Your Inner Critic

Every waking moment you have a constant stream of thoughts running through your mind. You have ideas, you make decisions, evaluate things, replay things, imagine things and talk to yourself in an ongoing stream of thought as you go about your day. Much of the time you may not even notice this is  happening. Sometimes these thoughts are encouraging, positive and helpful and there may be moments where they are random or unfocused and your thoughts just seem to flow in all sorts of directions.

And, of course, there are those thoughts that cause negativity, low mood and that limit you and hold you back in a variety of ways. Sometimes the things you might say to yourself in your head are not that kind. You can berate yourself, criticise yourself and put yourself down about something you have or haven’t said or done or a mistake you think you’ve made. Long after everyone else has moved on and forgotten about it, you can still find yourself criticising yourself over and over inside your own head.

You may even judge and be harsh about yourself as a person, putting down who you are, what you do and what you are capable of achieving. You wouldn’t let a stranger talk to someone you loved in the same way yet there you are putting yourself down all the time. And it has real life consequences in how you feel and what you do.

This inner critic is that part of you that grabs hold when you put yourself down and criticise yourself. You tell yourself you’re a failure, that you always mess up, that you’re a loser and that you aren’t good enough. And perhaps the worst bit is that this inner voice of yours follow you around all day, reminding you of every little mistake you’ve ever made.

Yet because this all occurs inside your own head it is very possible to tame your inner critic and to learn how to encourage and support yourself in ways that all you to move forward confidently and capably. That is what this hypnosis download will help you to achieve.


Your Inner Critic

We all have that inner critic. For some it just comes occasionally and is not too problematic. Yet you may find that voice in your head that criticises you, berates you and puts you down just seems to be there all the time. Whenever you think you’ve made a mistake, messed something up or failed in some way, there are those thoughts to remind you of all your failings.

It may seem that your inner critic has always been there. It can start when you are young and then it just becomes habitual to think in this way and to mentally and emotionally beat yourself up as you navigate your way through life. It may seem like it’s always been there and you may feel very used to berating yourself in this way. It can seem natural, just who you are, to remind yourself that you’re a failure, that you always mess things up, that you’re not good enough and a host of other critical and harsh thoughts and statements.

Sometimes people develop this as a way of trying to protect themselves and to cope with situations and challenges. After all, if you go ahead and put yourself down, then any negative judgements and criticisms from others may not seem so harsh (because you already feel bad in yourself anyway). Yet, for whatever purpose this critical inner voice developed, it still just leaves you feeling low, down, anxious and full of self doubt. It can take the joy from successes, it can steal away your motivation to achieve your goals (if you are going to fail anyway then what would be the point of even starting) and it leaves you not liking yourself very much.

No matter how long you’ve been putting yourself down inside your own head, it is very possible to change what and how you are communicating to yourself. You can learn to change what you say to yourself about yourself. Rather than habitually giving time, belief and focus to the inner critic, you can start to become more encouraging, balanced and supportive towards yourself. In the same way you would talk to a loved one who you want the best for, you can draw upon an inner voice that is kind, supportive and encouraging. You can successfully tame your inner critic.


Tame Your Inner Critic

Rather than berating yourself and putting yourself down, you want to draw upon an inner voice that encourages you and leads you to believe in yourself. You can start to trust, feel and know that you are capable, that you can achieve your goals and that you can handle, deal and cope with whatever comes your way. You can encourage and support yourself in a self assured and balanced way. You can feel better and better in being yourself, more comfortable in your own skin and feel more resilient when challenges arise.

Changing what you habitually say to yourself, and how you say it, is one of the most powerful ways to feel better in yourself. Instead of negatively, harshness, self doubt and rumination, your inner dialogue becomes more encouraging, kind, supportive and understanding. This means you feel more and more safe, capable, resilient and comfortable in your own skin. You tame your inner critic and then start to do things in ways that please you and bring you positive results.

This Tame Your Inner Critic Hypnosis Download will help you to:

  • Stop berating yourself, criticising yourself and putting yourself down
  • End the cycle of thoughts that cause negativity and low mood and that limit you and hold you back
  • Become more encouraging, balanced and supportive towards yourself
  • Start being kinder and more balanced to yourself
  • Feel better and better as you take control over your own self-talk

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this awesome Tame Your Inner Critic hypnosis download. If you do really want to enjoy a deep sense of mental and physical relaxation then give this powerful hypnosis download a listen right now.

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