Negative Visualisation



Negative Visualisation Hypnosis Download


Learn to enjoy more appreciation, gratitude and happiness

Would you feel happier if you had more gratitude and appreciation for what you do have, rather than a sense of dissatisfaction for what you don’t have?

Do you wish you could feel more satisfied with how things are in your life?

Would it feel good to be able to appreciate and value all the good things?

Using this Negative Visualisation hypnosis download can help you to

  •  Enhance your levels of gratitude and happiness
  •  Appreciate and value the people and things in your life much more
  •  End the cycle of dissatisfaction, lacking and wanting more and more
  •  Achieve and enjoy more joy, happiness and tranquility 

Using this audio will help you to experience more happiness, gratitude and appreciation for the people and things in your life. Instead of feeling dissatisfied or always longing for something more or new, you can enjoy everything your life offers and value things more.


The Satisfaction Treadmill

Recently I’ve been revisiting the awesome book, ‘A Guide To The Good Life’ by Irvine where he describes a Stoic psychological technique for developing gratitude and appreciation for what we do have, rather than a sense of dissatisfaction for what we don’t have.

No matter how hard we try to prevent bad things happening to us, some will happen anyway so the Stoics (whose philosophy is now enshrined in aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and other therapeutic approaches), advised that we should think about these bad things so that this will lessen their impact on us should they happen.

As Irvine writes, “The Stoics…recommended that we spend time imagining that we have lost the things we value – that our wife has left us, our car was stolen, or we lost our job. Doing this, the Stoics thought, will make us value our wife, our car and our job more than we otherwise would.”

Irvine calls this psychological technique ‘negative visualisation’ and suggests it as the way to prevent us from taking for granted, once we have them, the things we worked hard to get. Otherwise we run the risk of getting stuck on the satisfaction treadmill. We desire something in our lives, work hard to get it, feel satisfied for a while and then after a while, find ourselves getting used to it and becoming dissatisfied and so desiring something new e.g. (a new partner, a bigger house, more money, a better car etc.).

Rather than living is a constant flux of dissatisfaction, to satisfaction, to dissatisfaction, the Stoics thought that we could achieve more joy, happiness and tranquility by valuing the things we already have in our lives.

You can soon forget how much you once wanted that new ‘thing’ and how good you felt when you got it. You can easily fall into the trap of not valuing the things you do have and of constantly yearning for what you do not have.


Negative Visualisation

By thinking about no longer having the things that are currently in our life, we can re-appreciate them and thereby reconnect with their value to us.

This may remind you a bit of the story of George Bailey in ‘A Wonderful Life’ (it isn’t Christmas without that film!). In that film, George Bailey imagines what things would have been like had he never been born.

As Wikipedia puts it, ‘the film stars James Stewart as George Bailey, a man who has given up his dreams in order to help others, and whose imminent suicide on Christmas Eve brings about the intervention of his guardian angel, Clarence Odbody (Henry Travers). Clarence shows George all the lives he has touched, and how different life would be for his wife Mary and his community of Bedford Falls if he had never been born.’

Could this kind of negative visualisation exercise increase your happiness?


It’s A Wonderful Life

It’s often recommended that you spend time each day thinking about the positive things in your life as a way of boosting your happiness and well-being. It’s certainly something I get my clients to do as one part of the strategy of noticing what is going right in their lives, rather than only focusing on the negative or things that make them feel anxious.

However, if you just think about the same positive events from your life over and over may just make them more familiar each time you think about them, meaning you adapt to their presence in your life and derive less positive impact from them.

Koo et al (2008), considered the impact of thinking about the absence of these positive events, that is, as if they had never happened. They found that people who wrote about how positive life events might not have occurred, reported improved levels of happiness, whereas people who wrote about how positive events did occur, simply described positive events, or did not think about positive events and did not report improved happiness.

Spending a few minutes mentally subtracting a good thing from your life can make you feel better. For example, to reinvigorate a relationship it might be better to think about how you might never have met your partner than to recount the story of how you did.

“We believe that our studies are the first empirical demonstration of what can be called the “George Bailey effect”: people who wrote about how positive life events might not have occurred reported improved affective states, whereas people who wrote about how positive events did occur, simply described positive events, or did not think about positive events did not report improved affective states” (Koo et al).

Listening to this hypnosis download can help you to re-appreciate and value the people and things that you do have, rather than feeling dissatisfied and longing for something new or different

By listening to this Negative Visualisation Hypnosis Download Audio you will:

  •  Enhance your levels of gratitude and happiness
  •  Appreciate and value the people and things in your life much more
  •  End the cycle of dissatisfaction, lacking and wanting more and more
  •  Achieve and enjoy more joy, happiness and tranquility 

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this powerful hypnosis download. If you do really want to develop your gratitude and appreciate things in your life more then do get your copy of this hypnosis download right now. It really is a positive and beneficial step forward in enjoying being you.



Irvine, W. B. (2009). A guide to the good life: The ancient art of stoic joy. Oxford University Press.

Koo, M., Algoe, S.B., Wilson, T.D. and Gilbert, D.T., 2008. It’s a wonderful life: Mentally subtracting positive events improves people’s affective states, contrary to their affective forecasts. Journal of personality and social psychology, 95(5), p.1217.

Petrocchi, Nicola, and Alessandro Couyoumdjian. “The impact of gratitude on depression and anxiety: the mediating role of criticizing, attacking, and reassuring the self.” Self and Identity15, no. 2 (2016): 191-205.


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