Loving Kindness For Yourself Hypnosis

(1 customer review)



Loving Kindness Hypnosis Download

Is it time to be kinder to yourself rather than putting yourself down all the time?

Are you fed up of being self-critical and putting yourself down all the time? Does being harsh and judgemental about who you are and what you do make you feel anxious, low, sad or down? Would you benefit from being kinder and more positive towards yourself so you can relax and feel comfortable in your skin? Using this Loving Kindness For Yourself hypnosis download will help you to:

  • Stop being so self-critical and judgemental towards yourself in ways that make you feel bad
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety, lowness and negativity associated with negative thoughts and feelings about yourself
  • Stop wasting time and energy putting yourself down so you can get on with enjoying things you want to do
  • Increase feelings of positivity, well-being and self acceptance so you feel more comfortable in yourself
  • Feel more at ease in who you are, more comfortable in yourself and more encouraging in your thinking

Why You Should Be Kinder To Yourself

Research shows that self-compassion (loving kindness towards yourself) can help alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety and depression and can reduce negative self-criticism.

Instead, learning, practicing and developing, self-compassion can help you increase positive emotions and your sense of well-being. Learning to like and encourage yourself more can also boost your levels of self-acceptance and social connectedness.

As you increase and build your sense of loving kindness towards yourself, you will also find yourself feeling more at ease in who you are, more comfortable in yourself and more encouraging and positive in your thinking.

Many people have a tendency to be very self-critical about what they do or who they are. Being harsh and judgemental about yourself is associated with feelings of anxiety, lowness and negativity. Self-criticism and dwelling on things you feel you have not managed or achieved as you would have liked has been linked with a number of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

This negative self bias can mean you really focus on negative thoughts, feelings and events while discounting or finding it more difficult to focus on more positive aspects about yourself.

The research suggests that self-compassion is useful for mental health and well-being by strengthening a content and calm state of mind, the ability to better manage stress and a more positive and kinder perception of yourself. You can find out more about the research that evidences the benefits of being kind to yourself in my article here: Why You Should Be Kind To Yourself – The Benefits of Self-Compassion.

Loving Kindness Hypnosis

If you are fed up of being critical of yourself and want to start loving and accepting yourself for who you are, then this hypnosis download can help you. Building upon the research and evidence, you can start to become more understanding, accepting and supporting of yourself.

You will feel more positive and better in yourself and you can reduce those negative feelings towards yourself that just make you feel bad and low.

As well as reducing feelings of anxiety, stress and negativity, you will start to feel more comfortable in yourself. Instead of criticising yourself and putting yourself down, you will start to feel better in yourself and more encouraging and supportive that you are ok and that you can achieve your goals.

Drawing upon the scientific evidence, as you listen to this Loving Kindness hypnosis download you will:

  • Start being kinder to yourself and liking yourself more
  • Enjoy feeling more at ease in who you are and comfortable in yourself
  • Experience less self-criticism and be more encouraging and positive in your thinking
  • Feel less stress, anxiety and depression and feel calm and content
  • Increase positive emotions, your sense of well-being and self-acceptance

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this powerful hypnosis download for overcoming self-criticism, stress and anxiety. If you do really do want to feel happier in yourself then do get your copy of this Loving Kindness hypnosis download right now. It really is a positive and beneficial step forward in feeling better being you.

More Confidence and Self-Esteem Hypnosis Downloads


References: Kirschner, Hans, Willem Kuyken, Kim Wright, Henrietta Roberts, Claire Brejcha, and Anke Karl. “Soothing Your Heart and Feeling Connected: A New Experimental Paradigm to Study the Benefits of Self-Compassion.” Clinical Psychological Science (2019): 2167702618812438.

Neff, K. D. (2003). Development and validation of a scale to measure self-compassion. Self and Identity, 2, 223-250.

Gilbert, P., Clark, M., Hempel, S., Miles, J.N.V. & Irons, C. (2004). Criticising and reassuring oneself: An exploration of forms, styles and reasons in female students. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 31-50.

1 review for Loving Kindness For Yourself Hypnosis

  1. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Works every time! Love the feeling of total relaxation and takes my mind off everything else.

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