Achieve Your Running Goal



Achieve Your Running Goals Hypnosis Download


Use your running mindset to achieve your running goals

Do you want to perform to the best of your running ability so that you achieve the goal you are training for?

Would you benefit from increased focus, effort, direction, persistence, confidence and belief in your running?

Can you imagine just how good you will feel when you achieve your running goal?

Using this Achieve Your Running Goal hypnosis download can help you to

  •  Increase your focus, effort, persistence and motivation towards your goal 
  •  Gain the confidence and self-belief in your running ability that you need to succeed
  •  Get your mind and body working together so that you perform to the best of your ability when you  want to
  •  Feel more confident and determined as you train and work towards your goal 
  •  Take control over your thoughts and feelings using running performance and goal achievement psychology

So many runners I meet train their body but neglect their mind and the psychological aspects of running.

Having a running goal mobilises effort, adds direction, focus and motivation, enhances your persistence and helps with better performance. Drawing upon running psychology processes, this hypnosis download will help you to make sure that your mind and body are both on track to support you in performing to the best of your ability and achieving your running goal.

If you want to perform to the best of your ability and achieve your running goal then you can get your mindset on board with this awesome hypnosis download.

Achieve Your Running Goals

As runners, we know the importance of setting goals for training and racing and of then consistently and persistently following training plans and schedules that get us there. Whether it’s a goal about speed, distance, racing or some other aspects of running, having a goal keeps you focused, motivated and moving.

Recently, I’ve been gradually building up my long weekend runs towards an autumn ultra and last Saturday headed out for a sixteen mile long run along the riverside here in Ely (on a beautiful sunny morning). In the past my goals have been for other races and distances and from 5k up to marathon and ultra marathon.

I’ve worked with many runners over the years and goals can vary from getting motivated enough to get out of the door, having the confidence to complete a first race or to run a whole 10k, getting over a psychological setback or injury and having the mental strength to complete to long distance racing (or running as part of an Ironman). And, of course, I’ve helped many runners with other issues, such as anxiety, stress, worry and depression, that have impacted upon their running and which, once resolved, mean they can enjoy running again.

And I think we know that, without a running goal of some kind, it’s easy to just plod along run after run with no specific aim from each run, from each training period and with nothing in particular to aim for. I’ve found in the past that without a running goal, my running can plateau a bit, the temptation to cut short a challenging run gets greater, training levels become more constant, and the fire and determination from having a race to aim for just isn’t present.

When you have a goal, you also want to build your confidence, motivation and self-belief that you can complete it successfully. You want to be able to dispel any negative inner dialogue or anxiety and you ant to enjoy the process so that you can perform to your running best on the day. By using your mindset, you can build upon your training and hard work so that you can perform to the best of your ability and achieve your running goals.


Running Psychology

I can well remember the training, persistence and effort involved involved in trying to break forty minutes for a 10k race. At the time there were a bunch of us at Ely Runners all training at around the same pace, and all aiming for that goal at about the same time. In the peak Spring/early Summer 10k racing season, I had a series of races booked, all with that same goal of a sub-40 10km.

Yet, I kept finding myself hitting three, two or even one second over the magic forty minute mark. Now, over 6.2 miles, a few seconds is nothing, and certainly needing to run about one second faster over that distance so almost less than nothing! Yet try as I might, I just couldn’t bring my training together well enough to achieve my goal.

I would get tense before the race because of the pressure I was putting on myself. I would wonder, and even doubt, whether ‘today was the day’. A little unhelpful voice would creep in during tougher moments in the race, and I would yet again not quite hit the target. It wasn’t until I used my mind, as well as my body, that I achieved it. By directing my mindset, belief, imagination, inner dialogue, motivation and expectation towards that goal, I was able to go out and hit it several times in a row. I hadn’t changed my training, I had used running psychological processes to harness my training, to build my sense of self-efficacy, and to apply it to run at my best on the day.

It’s funny the kind of limitations and tricks our minds can play on us about our running. There was time (many years ago), when I genuinely would stop running in winter because it was too cold and I would then have to start every Spring from scratch (a London marathon place and need to train through the winter quashed that limiting belief!).

And we’ve all had those doubting, stressful, anxious, negative thoughts and feelings at some point when training or racing (even though we know most of those thoughts and feelings are totally unnecessary!). When you ask any runner how important mindset training and physical training are for running performance, they’ll probably tell you it’s somewhere around fifty:fifty. Yet, most runners probably spend less than one percent of their training on learning how to build confidence and self-efficacy, on taking control over thoughts and feelings and on performance and goal achievement psychology.

Whether it’s a 10k or a marathon, as a runner you’ll benefit from focus and motivation, from having a clear goal lodged in your mind and from directing your thoughts and feelings towards attaining your running goal. Rather than just hoping for the best, you can build confidence and self-belief, you can direct all of your efforts in the same direction, and you can use your mindset to help you to succeed.


The Importance of Goal Setting 

Without a running goal you can lack direction and inspiration in your running, and could easily find yourself drifting aimlessly or getting distracted. Having a running goal brings determination, direction and enhances your running performance.

You want your goal to be challenging enough to inspire you and to bring enjoyment and fulfilment, yet not so difficult that you feel too tense and anxious and lose belief in your own ability.  Having a goal brings focus and enthusiasm towards your training, your preparation and your mindset. You get to improve and develop and find better ways of doing things that work well for you.

According to Locke (1981), specific, challenging goals lead to higher performance than easy goals, ‘do your best goals’ or having no goal. Goals direct your attention, mobilise your efforts, enhance your persistence and lead to developing new strategies.

I think every runner can look back and notice how they have learnt and developed as a result of experience, watching others, coaching and an element of trial and error. Whether it’s kit, distance, pace, frequency, nutrition, training surfaces, training schedules, rest times or another aspect of running, having a goal that you wish to attain pushes you to try things and to find what works best for you (and as the sage advice goes, you don’t want to be trying anything new on race day).

There are many aspects that go into setting effective running goals, and certainly one often neglected aspect in goal setting involves asking the question, ‘what do I need to do reach my goals?’ (Weinberg, 2013). You can have both short and longer term goals but you want to make sure you revisit them and review them to see how you are progressing towards them based upon your running performance.

One area you certainly want to incorporate into supporting the achievement of your goals is your mindset and psychology. Using the correct strategies you can learn to control your thinking, build self-belief, increase focus and determination, regulate your emotions and add direction and belief in your own ability into enhancing your running performance (and you’ll likely enjoy your running a whole lot more too).


Achieve Your Running Goal

Having a running goal mobilises effort, adds direction, focus and motivation, enhances your persistence and helps with better performance. Drawing upon running psychology processes, this hypnosis download will help you to make sure that your mind and body are both on track to support you achieving your running goal.

If you want to perform to the best of your ability and achieve your running goal then you can get your mindset on board with this awesome hypnosis download.

By listening to this Achieve Your Running Goal Hypnosis Download Audio you will:

  •  Increase your focus, effort, persistence and motivation towards your goal 
  •  Gain the confidence and self-belief in your running ability that you need to succeed
  •  Get your mind and body working together so that you perform to the best of your ability when you want to
  •  Feel more confident and determined as you train and work towards your goal 
  •  Take control over your thoughts and feelings using running performance and goal achievement psychology

You can get your copy today and enjoy instant access to this awesome hypnosis download. If you do really want to run your best hen do get your copy of this Achieve Your Running Goal hypnosis download right now.

More Running Hypnosis Downloads



Locke, E.A., Shaw, K.N., Saari, L.M. and Latham, G.P., 1981. Goal setting and task performance: 1969–1980. Psychological bulletin90(1), p.125.

Weinberg, R.S., 2013. Goal setting in sport and exercise: research and practical applications. Revista da Educação Física/UEM24(2), pp.171-179.


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